Student Advisory Group

This group will be reactivated in 2024

Student Advisory Group

The Student Advisory Group (SAG) is comprised of two students from each Academic H

MRC Logistics Response Team

MRC Logistics Strike Team

Members of this response team are responsible for resource management before and during U of M MRC deployments, drills, an

Health Operations Team Example Members and Roles

A Health Operations Team is formed whenever a health issues required campus-level oversight and coordination. The members of each Operations Team are determined based upon the preparedness and response needs of the specific situation. Possible members and their roles include:

H1N1 Response on Campus

HERO personnel served in a leadership role (“air traffic control”) to ensure an effective, efficient, and coordinated response to the H1N1 pandemic over an extended period of 12 months.

Behavioral Health Response Team

hands together

The principal focus of this response team is to minimize the harmful psychological effects of stress and trauma on surviving individuals and families immediately following a disaster.