Infectious Disease Training
Training for MRC members who are preparing to deploy in response to COVID-19.
HIPAA - Health Information Privacy and Compliance Office -HIP019 (HIPAA training is required for all COVID-19 deployments)
HIPAA Training is required for all faculty, staff, students, and volunteers who work in areas of the University that have access to Private Health Information, or who support areas that have access to Private Health Information.
Bloodborne Pathogens Annual OSHA Requirement Training – UHS-110
This course is required annually if your MRC deployment role may expose you to bloodborne pathogens. The topics covered in this training will help you reduce your risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens during the MRC deployment.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Donning PPE and Doffing PPE – CDC – 2 separate videos
- How to safely Don and Doff PPE – CDC posters
- How to Properly Put on and Take Off a Disposable Respirator
- N95 User Seal Check
Alternate Care Sites: An Introduction for Staff and Volunteers
This 17 minute video is designed as an initial orientation to Alternate Care Sites for hospital and clinic staff, public health and community planners, and healthcare and non-healthcare volunteers such as Medical Reserve Corps and Community Emergency Response teams during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Member Preparedness
Active Threat training
The Department of Public Safety offers an online Active Threat training course through canvas. *Note: You must have a UMN email address to enroll in the training.
Healthcare Provider Basic Life Support (BLS) Class
Boynton Health offers BLS classes each semester. U of M MRC will cover the cost of the BLS class offered at Boynton Health for up to 30 MRC members during the fall and spring semesters.
If you would like to take a BLS class at Boynton Health, email [email protected] to request coverage for the cost of the class, and indicate the date you intend to take the class. We will email you a voucher to cover the cost of the class. Once you receive the voucher, register for the class and turn the voucher in at Boynton on the day of the class
Personal & family emergency preparedness
Information is available from CDC - Emergency Preparedness and You, including how to pack an emergency supply kit.
Psychological First Aid
This course was designed as an overview for MRC volunteers, hospital personnel, disaster responders, and first-responders, to the concepts and applications of psychological first aid as it applies to assisting survivors and fellow responders impacted by a disaster or emergency event, particularly in the field during a response.
Psychological First Aid Tutorial (for iPhone and Android)
The Psychological First Aid (PFA) Tutorial app provides information on site for persons who have been trained in PFA procedures.
Responder Self-care app (for iPhone)
This mobile app aids those deployed to emergency response events in maintaining their own physical, emotional, and social well-being.
Medical Countermeasures
PODS (Point of Dispensing): Public health training for staff and volunteers
This training is designed to provide an overview and orientation to the general operations of a POD. It is intended to complement just-in-time training provided at the time of deployment.
Incident Command
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS): A primer for volunteers
This training provides an initial orientation to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS) for individuals who plan to volunteer during an emergency or disaster.
IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System
This FEMA course introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course is NIMS compliant.
IS-700.B: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
This FEMA course introduces the National Incident Management System and provides the foundation for further higher level NIMS training.